As an Author, Coach, or Speaker
you know you need to use technology but maybe you're feeling

Confused, Overwhelmed, or Unsure what to do?

We're here to help you!
With a tech mentor & coach to help guide you to success...
To Get Tech Done

Get It Done Tech Coaching for Experts, Authors, and Coaches

What can Chet help me implement?

There's a lot you can do with Chet's teaching, coaching, and assistance in the Tech Coaching program. Here's a sample:

  • Implement List Building Tech (Email sign-up, auto-responder, nurture emails) So You Can Deepen Relationships with Your Prospects
  • Build a Landing Page So Clients Can Purchase Your Courses, Books or Coaching
  • Create Your Own Memes and Graphics To Engage on Social Media
  • Make great videos on your SmartPhone To Increase Your Visibility
  • Create Your Own Podcast To Increase Your Influence
  • Launch or Optimize Your YouTube Channel So More Clients Can Find You, And Get To Know You
  • Create a Facebook Group, Page and Use it like a Pro To Build Your Own Community
  • Build an Online Class To Share Your Expertise While You Generate Income
  • Use ZOOM or Skype for Interviews, Podcasts, and Coaching Calls
  • Record Your Own Audiobooks To Spread Your Message
  • Master Email, Calendars, and Productivity Applications To Stay Organized
  • Set-up Data Backups and Ensure Your Business is Secure from Piracy & Hackers
  • Many more tech related tasks and topics - click here for suggestions


The price will soon return to $1,997
Save $1,000 and join now!

Get Tech Done Coaching was created so that you can overcome technology hurdles and frustrations as you work to create a greater impact in the world.

Chet Davis, 

Your Get Tech Done Coach

Questions about the program?

You're protected with the
"Get It Done" Guarantee

How does the program work?

1. Simple Click Here to register for the Get Tech Done  Coaching Program.

That's one full year for only $997 (that's less than $84 per month).  

Registration is easy and you are protected by our "Get It Done" Guarantee: During your first call if you don't feel like this is exactly what you need to help implement tech and get real results, your money will be immediately refunded.

2. Schedule Your First Coaching Session

Your first coaching session is 30 minutes long and on that call we will identify your business goals and strategies to reach them. We will then agree on your first homework assignment so that you can make progress.

After each call, you will get a recording of your session, confirmation of your homework, and a link to schedule your next coaching call.

3. Do Your Homework, Then Schedule Your Next Call!

Your homework is the set of tasks that you and Chet agree on. And when you've completed those tasks, you can schedule your next 15-minute laser coaching call. Some clients complete their homework and schedule their next call that very same day!


Regular price for 12 months Tech Coaching is $2,367.

What's it like working with Chet?

Work with an experienced coach

"You made clear in minutes what others could not in hours"

Chet is your ally and tech mentor

"Thanks for making me feel smarter about this stuff"

Work with a world-class tech coach

"Chet is so knowledgeable and still makes it understandable to my non-techie brain."

Questions about the Get Tech Done Coaching Program?

For your one-time investment of $997 you receive 12 months of laser focused tech coaching calls with Chet Davis - Your Technology Tutor.  

During each coaching call you and Chet will work to help overcome tech roadblocks as you implement the technology tools to grow your business and increase your impact,

Chet will provide you with clear "homework" each call that will help keep you moving towards your success and he will guide you with resources to help you progress.

You can book your next Tech Coaching Call as soon as your "homework" from the last call is complete.  And, you'll have unlimited email support from Chet to help you complete your next steps.

Bottom line - with the Get It Done Tech Coaching program it's like you have your very own IT Expert/Teacher working with you to help address those frustrating and often confusing tech questions!


Please check out the more comprehensive list of implementation steps on this page: Get It Done Tech Coaching Topics.

If you want to learn and/or implement something not presented in that list - then please click here to send an email to Chet to see if that can be covered in the program (if not, he'll be happy to refer to another resource).

There's plenty of information available today - all kinds of books, free videos, How to Papers... and yet many coaches, authors, and speakers find it challenging to implement the technologies that will help increase their impact and grow their business.

That's where a skilled teacher and talented coach comes in - Chet can help you focus on the essential steps to success.  In this program you'll gain the confidence, you'll realize the potential you have within yourself, and you'll have the opportunity to step into that vision of yourself you know is possible.  

Chet has the technical know-how, the experience of implementation, and the ability to coach you to success.  That's why you should join Chet in the Get It Done Tech Coaching Program.

At the minimum, you will need a SmartPhone to connect with Chet on your Laser Focused Coaching Calls.

Most people will find it necessary to work from a laptop or desktop computer (either Windows or Mac/Apple).   Depending on your goals and plans there may be peripherals and accessories that are necessary: from a microphone and webcam, tripod and various software.  NOTE: Many clients are wisely interested in implementing video - you can use a separate camera but Chet can also coach you to get good video from a late model SmartPhone.

Here is a more complete list of the technology tasks that Chet can help you implement.  

If your dreams/plans are way out of scope or the realm of possibility with Chet he will let you know during your first 30-minute session, and your investment will be refunded (100%).  Otherwise, join the program today and start on the path to bring your goals to life!


You are protected by our "Get It Done" Guarantee.

Your first call with Chet is a 30-minutes call to identify your goals and plan your tech strategy.

During this first call if you don't feel like this is exactly what you need to help implement tech and get real results, your money will be immediately refunded.

NOTE: Chet also reserves the right  to cancel your registration during this first call, if he believes this is not the right program for you.  You will receive 100% of your money back.

If you have a question/s that is not addressed here, please reach out to Chet via email with your questions.  

After all, Chet believes the only stupid question is the one you don't ask (really).  

Click here to ask your question.


Overcome your tech hurdles, your overwhelm,
and those road blocks.
Join the Get It Done Tech Coaching program today!


50% Complete

Two Step

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